projects we've been working on.

Time for a nosey…

Spend some time, browse our downloadable projects,
and see if any of these development opportunities are up your alley.

tomahawk project

Dunedin  |  2019-2020
(12 month project)

development type: 1 into 2 lot subdivision
project snapshot:
A small project with a reasonably quick turnaround,
this development involved completely preparing both
sections for resale.

ruahine project

Palmerston North  |  2021-2022
(9 month project)

development type: 1 into 2 lot subdivision
project snapshot:
A small project with a great rental opportunity.

tiro tiro project

Levin  |  2021-2023
(30 month project)

development type: 1 into 9 lot subdivision
project snapshot:
A larger project with a staged plan, this development
will create nine separate housed and landscaped sections.

tomahawk project

Dunedin  |  2019-2020
(12 month project)

development type: 1 into 2 lot subdivision

project snapshot:
A small project with a reasonably quick
turnaround, this development involved
completely preparing both sections for resale.

tiro tiro project

Levin  |  2021-2023
(30 month project)

development type: 1 into 9 lot subdivision

project snapshot:
A larger project with a staged plan,
this development will create nine separate
housed and landscaped sections.

ruahine project

Palmerston North  |  2021-2022
(9 month project)

development type: 1 into 2 lot subdivision

project snapshot:
A small project with a great
rental opportunity

let’s have a yarn

We welcome you to get in touch with us to discuss your next project.

If you’re a buyer, seller, an investor… or you’re just having a nosey – give us a call, flick us an email or fill out the form below and we’ll be in touch.

phone:  027 677 3985       email:

phone:  027 677 3985 
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